||   بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم | اللهم كُن لوليّك الحُجَّة بن الحَسَن صَلواتُكَ عَليه وَعَلى آبائه في هذه السّاعة وفي كُلّ سَاعَة وَليّاً وَحَافِظا وَقائِداً وَ ناصراً ودَليلاً وَ عَينا حَتّى تُسكِنَه أرضَك طَوعاً وَتُمَتِعَه فيها طَوِيلاً | برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين   ||   اهلا وسهلا بكم في الموقع   ||  


 كتاب مقاصد الشريعة ومقاصد المقاصد

 41- من فقه الحديث: المحتملات في قوله عليه السلام: (نَّا نُجِيبُ النَّاسَ عَلَى الزِّيَادَةِ وَ النُّقْصَان)

 214- مباحث الاصول: الفوائد الأصولية (الدليل العقلي) (7)

 256- مباحث الأصول: بحث الحجج (حجية قول الراوي والمفتي والرجالي واللغوي) (3)

 310- (وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّنْ مَنَعَ مَساجِدَ اللَّهِ أَنْ يُذْكَرَ فيهَا اسْمُهُ) 4 سؤال النهضة واصلاح التعليم

 مناشئ الحقوق في شرعية الحاكم والدولة (5)

 443- فائدة فقهية: تحديد أرش الجروح

 332- من فقه الآيات تخالف ظهوري الآية (والله يشهد إن المنافقين لكاذبون)

 95- فائدة عقائدية: القوى الست والطرق الاربعة لكشف الحقائق

 144- بحث اصولي: لا اطلاق لقبح تخصيص الأكثر، وذكر موارد لعدم قبح تخصيص الاكثر

 الحسين المحمول عليه السلام على أجنحة الملائكة صريع على أرض كربلاء

 الإِمَامُ الحُسَينُ خَليفَةُ اللهِ وَإِمَامُ الأُمَّةِ

 تعلَّمتُ مِن الإِمامِ.. شرعِيَّةُ السُّلطةِ

 اقتران العلم بالعمل

 موسوعة الفقه للامام الشيرازي على موقع مؤسسة التقى الثقافية

 183- مباحث الاصول (مبحث الاطلاق) (1)

 351- الفوائد الاصولية: بحث الترتب (2)

 قسوة القلب

 النهضة الحسينية رسالة إصلاح متجددة

 الأجوبة على مسائل من علم الدراية

 استراتيجية مكافحة الفقر في منهج الإمام علي (عليه السلام)

 236- احياء أمر الامام المهدي (عجل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف)

 نقد الهرمينوطيقا ونسبية الحقيقة والمعرفة

 177- أعلى درجات التواتر لاخبار مولد الامام القائم المنتظر ( عجل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف )

  • الأقسام : 91

  • المواضيع : 4532

  • التصفحات : 28057020

  • التاريخ :

  • القسم : دراسات وقراءات .

        • الموضوع : Reviewing Hermeneutic. Relativity of Truth, Knowledge & Texts 5 .

Reviewing Hermeneutic. Relativity of Truth, Knowledge & Texts 5
8 جمادى الآخرة 1434 هـ

What does Cognition mean?

According to several scholars and linguistic dictionaries the term ‘Cognition’ has been identified as knowledge, as other have given separate definitions to each term (Cognition & Knowledge). In addition, some scholars have adopted the notion that knowledge is more general than cognition, and other have stated the opposite by arguing cognition is more general than knowledge. The second group state cognition is more general than knowledge due to the fact that cognition includes the accomplished from revelation, inspiration, vision and observation. This notion also includes anything that is sentimental, fundamental and instinctual, which don’t have the characteristics of ‘knowledge’ according to this opinion.


·         Cognition: comprehending a notion or a matter according to its existence, knowledge and observations.

·         Cognition: intellectual formation of a notion according to its definition, which includes considering its existence, knowledge and observation.

(These two interpretations equalize cognition and knowledge)

·         Cognition: this interpretation considers cognition as two parts. Direct comprehension and descriptive cognition.

·         Cognition: according to Ibn Hazm, cognition can be formed by the testimony of senses and considering primary intellective definitions, cognition is among the necessities, which is the evidence derived from the senses and their comprehension.

(These two interpretations will present the notion that cognition is more general than knowledge.)

·         Cognition: according to some literary notions, the term ‘Cognition’ is rooted in the Latin word: ‘Cognoscer’, which point to the humanistic or animalistic cognition that include comprehension, education, memory, intelligence, vigilance and sagacity. This interpretation presents cognition as more general than knowledge as well.

In addition, cognitive sciences are considered as knowledge in accordance with some of the modern expression, which is evident by their names and labels. These sciences were established in the 50s, and they are based on researching the human intellective capabilities, which includes neurological and biological principles, and intelligent intellective matters and notion.

According to others, knowledge is theoretical cognition, such as geometry, astronomy, physics, Chemistry, biology, anthropology, sociology and psychology, and this interpretation neglects and contradicts the previous definition.

In addition, cognition has been defined as accomplishment of a notion or a matter in both intellectual and practical manners, to explore its characteristics and features. According to some the thinkers and philosophers of the 19th century, the circumstantial cognition is bounded within dissection and research of symptoms and laws, regardless of justifications for existence and occurrence, which are derived from our experimental sciences. August Kant argues that anything, which cannot be observed, derived and measured, therefore cannot be known and comprehended.



  طباعة  ||  أخبر صديقك  ||  إضافة تعليق  ||  التاريخ : 8 جمادى الآخرة 1434 هـ  ||  القرّاء : 11696


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